Origins—A Broken Dialogue

I am biased. 
I am captivated and persuaded by Christ Jesus. He is my hope, my salvation; he is the context that gives meaning to my experience and existence. How then should I treat the one who has laughed him off as a lunatic? Should I call him a liar? Cut off his ear? What then of my insight into the most excellent way? a love that always hopes, perseveres, and keeps no record of wrongs? And how can I call him a liar? Was I there when He “laid the foundations of the earth?” It’s hypocrisy. I call the man a liar, and then say, “you weren’t there to witness evilution so you can’t prove what you are teaching.” Neither can I prove what I would bleed to teach for God has said we must come to him by faith and not sight. I wasn’t there to observe the beginning, and if I was, could I have survived it? Do not think for a second that speaking the universe into existence was humdrum, safe or calculable by man. Whether there was blood at the birth of creation I do not know, but I know there was blood in its redemption. Whatever happened inside of God as he spoke it into being was neither cheap nor easy. The result was worth dying to save. I accept that Genesis really happened. One man says a day was millions of years, another says twenty-four hours, but it is unclear that those two numbers are literally, mathematically or physically incompatible with each other when God is the creator. Do not call the other man a liar or you may be guilty of sin. Do not call him an idiot. He has the image of God! Rather consider that all the most effective lies are mostly true or even completely “true” but divorced from the context so that both the believer and the unbeliever can be simultaneously deceived in different ways by the same information. Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life.” He is the truth, the context—the one by whom everything has its
meaning. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Should I tell him how he did it or let his words speak for themselves? And how much worse to let this divide the body of Christ, for if we are divided where is Christ?


It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings” (Proverbs 25:2). 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." Psalm 19:1-2

"For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm." Psalm 33:9 

"And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." Hebrews 11:6"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word." Hebrews 1:3

1 comment:

  1. Great post. We have a lot of similar values. I'd love to continue the conversation with you at peaceful science. what do you could be a better way forward?
